载人航天工程 manned space program
载人空间站 manned space station
自主快速交会对接 autonomous fast docking
长期自主飞行能力 capability of long-term autonomous flight
You are expected to constantly break new ground for the manned space program, so that Chinese people will take bigger steps and march further in space probe and make new contribution to building China into a space power.

Space is an important field of progress and innovation, and achievements in this regard are also important symbols of a country’s scientific and technological strength. The success China has achieved in space science has greatly encouraged Chinese people’s confidence in innovation.

#工作日记# 11.20:忘了说点开心的,和数学老师快下班的时候去打羽毛球,学生们(有好几个不是我们教的学生)跑来围观,个个都争着要和我们打哈哈哈,最后我感觉自己是一直stick on the field因为一直没输所以不下场[doge]后来我们两个被他们缠着要混合双打加上他们讲的话太逗了我们笑到肚子痛,于是让他们自己拿球拍去一边打去。最后一窝蜂地都在打羽毛球的画面好有爱诶[围观][照相机]

We have been feeling into the human collective consciousness for individuals who are ready to go to the next level of expansion and evolution for the rest of humankind. We have been looking for those who are ready, willing, and able to hold higher frequencies within their physical bodies because we know that it is important, and even necessary, to be ready for higher frequencies before they can be accessed and held within the physical vehicle. Taking care of yourselves emotionally and spiritually, as well as physically, are the requirements for getting yourselves access to those higher frequency energies that we and others like us are making available to those who are ready.

It ultimately will be a decision for each individual as to whether he or she accepts the energetic upgrade, the boost in your vibration, and you will be able to say enough is enough at any point during the process. As much as this is a group experience, your shift in consciousness also needs human beings who are willing to lead the way. The animals are doing it. The plants are doing it. The Earth is doing it, but what we have determined is that we need the help of more high frequency human beings if we are going to have the impact that we want to have on the entirety of the human collective consciousness.

We are looking for beings like yourselves, who have been attuning yourselves to the higher frequency energies and who have been taking care of yourselves physically so that you will be ready to go to the next level and to lead humanity into the fifth dimensional framework, the frequency range. You lead by example. You lead by how you conduct yourselves, but you also lead by how much high frequency energy you can hold in your body, in your chakra system, and in your energy field.

We know that many of you who are receiving this transmission right now are holding your hands up and volunteering, and all we can say to you is that as you prepare yourselves to receive the higher frequency energies, we will take notice. And those of you who are ready to step up and receive the energetic, vibrational upgrade will. And you will do so not only for yourselves but for all of humankind.

We are the Arcturian Council 嗯!谢谢亲爱的大角星仁儿!I LOVE YOU![心][爱你][抱抱]https://t.cn/Aid4L9I5

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