Princess Haya Bint al-Hussein arrives at the High Court with her lawyer Fiona Shackleton on November 13, 2019 in London, England. Princess Haya has applied for a non-molestation order and a forced marriage protection order in relation to the children she shares with with her estranged billionaire husband Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of the Emirate of Dubai. Princess Haya bint Hussein is the daughter of King Hussein of Jordan, she married Sheikh Mohammed in 2004 becoming his sixth wife.

Have you ever heard of a condition called CVG (cutis vertices gyrata)? A 30-year-old man was presented to a centre for burn and reconstructive surgery with an abnormal appearance of the scalp since puberty. Clinical examination revealed convoluted folds and furrows affecting the whole vertex and the upper part of the occipital region sparing both temporal regions.

All routine laboratory tests were within normal range, indicating primary essential CVG. The nature of the disease was discussed with the patient. He was offered surgical treatment by expanding the affected part.

Surgery was performed under general anaesthesia. The scalp was approached through a left temporoparietal curved incision; a 500-cc rectangular tissue expander was inserted in the subgaleal plane of the vertex region. The patient had an uneventful post-operative period. He was followed up twice weekly in the outpatient department for expander inflation, for a period of 2 months. After 2 months of inflation we observed that the scalp had flattened at areas of maximum tension over the expander which was then extracted followed by excision of the excess deformed scalp. The patient had an acceptable outcome without minor or major postoperative complications except for a small dog ear which was excised at a later stage.

The patient was reviewed 18 months post-operatively. There was marked improvement with no recurrence of the disease.

Histopathological examination of the excised tissue showed increased collagen content of the dermis surrounding the sweat glands that went deeply between the subcutaneous fat lobules, but there was disparity between the galeal and skin layers.
Credit: Hazim Hussein et. al. at JPRAS Open, March 2016

在Faylaq Al-Sham拒绝交出一些通缉的激进分子后,今天上午,圣X组织Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham袭击了伊德利卜北部的Kafr Takharim镇。
据当地报道,Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham通过向Kafr Takharim发射重型火炮开始进攻。他们在伊德利布省城镇内突袭Faylaq Al-Sham的阵地,以跟进此事。
目前,这两个激进派别正在卡夫·塔哈林(Kafr Takharim)进行激烈的交战;但是,没有进一步的细节被公布。
过去,Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham被证明是伊德利卜其他激进组织的主要障碍,因为他们占领了整个省的多个地区,尽管事实上是——他们在与政府军的战斗中是所谓的同一条战线上的盟友。#大象军事[超话]#

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